Pet doors that are specifically designed to be installed in glass are available from Border Country Glass. We can perfectly incorporate a pet door that offers complete comfort without sacrificing the look and feel of your home, whether it's a sliding glass door, hinged glass door, laundry or kitchen window, or some other low-level glass panel throughout the home.

Pet door systems keep your pet secure by allowing them to freely move between inside and outside, with the option to lock the door or make it only swing one way depending on your needs at the time.

Why do we need to replace the entire glass panel?
Can’t you simply cut a hole into my existing glass?

Your current glass panel is either float glass or laminated safety glass, none of which is suitable for cutting a hole and installing a pet door. The only form of glass that is suitable for the role and complies with the safe glazing code and Australian Standard AS1288/2006 is toughened A-Grade safety glass.

Residential Pet Doors Border Country Glass Albury Wodonga